Monday, December 5, 2011

Free Write- Style Wars

Graffiti maps the city through an artists point of view. The main image if grafitti are words, normally names that artists wish to be recognized and remembered. Colors and graphs are a big part of graffiti but more often than not, it is not the most important part. Graffiti relays a message. A message from the artists so it's viewers and a message from the artists to other artists.

Grafiti maps the young generation, he "hip-hop generation" and the ideas of these people. Grafitti maps the routes of the subway trains through the city. Graffiti can start in one place and be carried though a plethora of places. If nothing else it is remembered through

Graffiti makes in some cases social issues visible. It is not always just about the artwork or the colors but it is about the messGe the art is trying to portray.

By painting graffiti on the subway trains it is so much more visible to a wider audience. This way the artists work is seen everyday by hundreds if not thousands of people.

Writing IN the city. It becomes the city, it is part of the city. It no longer just affects the artists, it now effects EVERYBODY'S everyday.

A way for Marginalized groups express themsleves. A way to make these minority groups visible in a city where they are often made to feel invisible.

Graffiti makes a place become theirs. They make their mark, they make it their own.

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